File1, 2, & 3 for jamooson:

File1, 2, & 3 for jamooson:



Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer. Had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw
him,you would even say it glows. All of the other reindeers, used to
laugh and call him names. They never let poor Rudolph, play in any reindeer
Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer. Had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw
him,you would even say it glows. All of the other reindeers, used to
laugh and call him names. They never let poor Rudolph, play in any reindeer
Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer. Had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw
him,you would even say it glows. All of the other reindeers, used to
laugh and call him names. They never let poor Rudolph, play in any reindeer


Let me take you to my favorite place, just a five hour drive from the city.
Just follow the road until it stops, and then keep walking for another
forty minutes. Then out of nowhere, there it is... The Cabin. Right now its
icey cold,but in sixteen hours it's going to get Hot!
Let me take you to my favorite place, just a five hour drive from the city.
Just follow the road until it stops, and then keep walking for another
forty minutes. Then out of nowhere, there it is... The Cabin. Right now its
icey cold,but in sixteen hours it's going to get Hot!
Let me take you to my favorite place, just a five hour drive from the city.
Just follow the road until it stops, and then keep walking for another
forty minutes. Then out of nowhere, there it is... The Cabin. Right now its
icey cold,but in sixteen hours it's going to get Hot!


There's a hundred and four days, of summer vacation and school comes along
just to end it. So the annual problem for our generation is finding a good
way to spend it... Like maybe, building a rocket or fighting a mummy or
climbing up the eiffel tower. Discovering something that doesn't exist, or
giving a monkey a shower.
There's a hundred and four days, of summer vacation and school comes along
just to end it. So the annual problem for our generation is finding a good
way to spend it... Like maybe, building a rocket or fighting a mummy or
climbing up the eiffel tower. Discovering something that doesn't exist, or
giving a monkey a shower.
There's a hundred and four days, of summer vacation and school comes along
just to end it. So the annual problem for our generation is finding a good
way to spend it... Like maybe, building a rocket or fighting a mummy or
climbing up the eiffel tower. Discovering something that doesn't exist, or
giving a monkey a shower.

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

Activity Logged by INFO300 Students

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